Monday, March 9, 2009

Something small made my day..

Very random but it made me happy so I will share..!

I ordered the book Money by Martin Amis online with I love second hand books! I dont know why. Maybe because I like it if the book has a history. The book has lived with someone else before.. read on the bus, carried in a handbag or maybe gathered dust on a shelf before the owner decided to pass it on.. hmmm.. I dont know, I just prefer used books to new ones.
Anyway, in the envelope along with the book was a note from the seller;

'Please find enclosed the book you ordered which I trust meets with your approval and that you enjoy your book - I would normally enclose a book mark with my compliments, however a certain idiot put an empty box back on the shelf...and, of course, I have now run out.'

I loved this! How casual! And because of the lack of book marks, I was kindly given a blank postcard with a picture of Le Chalet Hotel in Guernsey on it! Ha!

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