Monday, April 20, 2009

Humourous Soup!

We don't get The Soup US version on E! over here. We get the less funny UK version and I dont even know if that's running anymore! (Updated: Thanks Kate for letting me know The Soup UK is still running and that it is very funny too... I'll need to do my research!!)
Anyway, while randomly browsing youtube earlier I can across these hilarious clips from The Soup.
I thought I'd share.. Tis good for a laugh :D


  1. omg the first video Jaffa Dali!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha

    Rick Rick RICKKKKKKKKK!!!

    We need a Badger eatting Spagetti!!! Maybe it's called Rick too
    utterly LOL!!!

  2. Haaaha! OMG He IS Jaffa Dali!! LOL!

    Rick the Italian spaghetti lovin badger! PAH! oooh more NM merch.. he could be from Volterra! Okay maybe thats going too far :-/

  3. Do you not get "The Soup" on E! How come I do???
    I have to say it's very funny!

  4. I dont have E! Kate :( No Sky in my apartment. I knew it was on for a while, didnt know they still did UK version though! Good to know that they do,Thanks! :)
