Thursday, April 30, 2009

How To Be Needy and Wanting

Its official. I can no longer wait to see How To Be

When there is a movie I cannot wait to watch, I try to not look at spoilers or too many clips from the movie. I want to be able to sit down and watch the lot without knowing all the funny or dramatic parts that are coming.
But at this stage, it's a fact. I have no self control. When new clips and vids for How To Be are posted up on ROBsessed (Best.Blog.Ever) I cannot just scroll past them. It's torture to do so.
They are begging to be watched. I have to obey the little devil sitting on my shoulder.
It doesn't help either, that Rob playing Art in this movie is the most adorkable ever!

Roll on May 18th when my pre-ordered DVD will be delivered in to my greedy hands!

Since im going to hell, I might as well do it throughly ;)

Vids and pics from ROBsessed :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Badminton doesnt help the uncoordinated

The Dublin's Mini Marathon is nearing (June 1st) and Im begining to realise that I will possibly die if I dont try to get at least a little bit fit for it!
It's a 10 kilometer walk which I should be able to manage. Although Im being haunted by thoughts of emergency calls being made and strechers being wheeled out for me while I hyperventilate at the side of the road!!
So in preperation and also somewhat fear, I started Badminton this evening.

I played badminton when I was in school and loved it. I was quite good at it too and stupidly thought it would be like riding a bike, I would pick up the racket and get right back in to the swing of it (pardon the pun)

How wrong I was! I put the BAD in Badminton!! Not only was my uncoordination much more than mildy embarrassing at times, but there were 2 guys using the court down from us... Nobody likes to be uncoordinated on front of guys!
We scrambled around the court for an hour, hitting the net and ourselves in our red faces more than the shuttlecock itself!

My body is hurting already but I am determind not to give up so we'll be returning during the week for another dose of humiliation!

Fingers crossed I'm a little better next time! :-/

Monday, April 20, 2009

More Randomness... Does the heart good!

The worst acting I've seen since KStew :p

Humourous Soup!

We don't get The Soup US version on E! over here. We get the less funny UK version and I dont even know if that's running anymore! (Updated: Thanks Kate for letting me know The Soup UK is still running and that it is very funny too... I'll need to do my research!!)
Anyway, while randomly browsing youtube earlier I can across these hilarious clips from The Soup.
I thought I'd share.. Tis good for a laugh :D

And now for something completely different...

This post is a little different to the usual badger drooling but I've been meaning to put this up for a while now.

When I was travelling around Europe last year I visited the Leopold Museum in Vienna. It was full of fab paintings and sculptures but one painting stood out from all the others for me.
Gustav Klimt's 'Death and Life'.
I had been vaguely familiar with Klimt from Art class in school. I stood on front of that painting for ages, looking at the detail and the expressions he had painted. It was amazing.

Since then I've had a great interest in the work of Klimt and love other paintings of his like 'Love', 'Tragedy' and probably the most widely known 'The Kiss'

Death and Life





Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jason Mraz II : After the gig

What's taken me so long to blog about the Mraz gig!?
Hannah... srsly... :-/

Aaaaaaaaanyway, I had the best fun at the Jason Mraz gig last week. He was amazing as usual and had the full band with him which I was super excited about!
There was a Sax, Trumpet and Trombone alongside Toca's Bongo's, the drums, bass, keyboard and Jason's lead guitar.
His voice was perfection as always and he treated us to a list off the lastest album.
No old old ones this time around sadly but I'm sure he's sick of singing them at this stage! Although he did sing 'Life is Wonderful' and 'Unfold' also.

Here's 'Only Human' Live in Dublin last week
From the album 'We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things'

Enjoy :D

Thursday, April 9, 2009

But we're never gonna survive unless, we get a little crazy..

This song ranks in my top faves of all time.
The original song, Crazy by Seal is great but my favourite version of the song is a cover by Alanis Morissette.

Crazy - Alanis Morissette

Have a listen :)

Jason Mraz I : Before the gig

Because I'm going to see Jason Mraz this evening here's a vid for your viewing pleasure!

He's one of those gems to see live because his studio recordings don't do him justice compared to his live music. He always has fun with the crowd and does alot of freestyling, just singing randomly off the cuff making up lyrics on the spot. A very talented musician!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Musical Badgers!

I thought it was only right to make a special post about my 2 favourite bearded musicians!

Ray LaMontagne has been a fave of mine for the past few years. He is a phenomenal singer/songwriter. His raspy voice makes me all warm and fuzzy and I want to snuggle up in to his big bushy face!!
He has a pretty cool story too. One day, while working long hours in a shoe factory he heard a song by Stephen Stills on the radio and decided then and there to pursue a music career.
The world is a better place because of that decision Ray, fair play to ya :)

Here's his version of Gnarls Barkley, Crazy. Better than the original in my opinion!

Second is Kings Of Leon scrummy frontman Caleb Followill. Kings of Leon can do no wrong in my eyes. Caleb has been through some really dodgy hair/beard ensembles over the past few years but is looking hotter than hot these days.

This song is called On Call from their album Because Of the Times. One of my fave songs EVER!